Deloro Stellite™ manufactures consumable weld overlay materials as cast rod, cored wire, electrodes, and powder, with a special focus on nickel and cobalt base materials; A wide range of standard alloys (chemistry and dimensional) allows the flexibility to provide custom materials to unique specifications.

The Deloro Stellite alloys offer :
Wear Resistance
Corrosion and oxidation resistance
Erosion resistance
High Temperature Hardness
Resistance to galling
Low Co-officiant of friction
Welding rods used for TIG welding are also used for
hardfacing with the oxy-acetylene welding process.
With the correct operation, a very low level of iron
dilution can be achieved in the overlay.
Rod is available in these standard diameters:
• 2,6 mm (3 / 32") (special order)
• 3,2 mm (1 / 8")
• 4,0 mm (5 / 32")
• 5,0 mm (3 / 16")
• 6,4 mm (1 / 4")
• 8,0 mm (5 / 16")